Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My 2015 New Year's Resolutions

In no particular  order

1. Create everyday.
2. Finish what I start.
3. Write, anything, everyday.
4. Post to my blog at least once a week.
5. Organize my closet. Even if it takes all year. Which it probably will.
6. Create a studio/office space .
7. Move more.
8. Finish that book my brother and I started.
9. Enjoy my own company more.
10. Explore more if my surroundings.

Monday, December 1, 2014

  Just been playing around with some water media; Caran D'Ache Neo Colors 2, an inexpensive set of watercolors by Artist Loft, and my new Portfolio pastels.

  I did these last night. My dad pointed out that they could be the sun and the moon. I didn't think about that while doodling, but it's true. Light vs. dark, warm vs. cool, flaming hair vs. tight blue locks.  It occurs to me now they could be water and fire as well.